Video Station

A selection of videos like those that you might encounter in the Video Station of the MRCPCH Clinical exam. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find out more information about each.

Background to Videos

Video 1
Diagnosis of a rash. Incontinentia Pigmenti.

Video 2
Video showing umbilical hernia and transverse abdominal scar in neonate.

Video 3
Video showing wasting of the thenar eminence.

Video 4
Video showing child with dysmorphic left thumb and no right ear meatus, squint and nasal stent. The underlying diagnosis is unclear.

12 comments on “Video Station
  1. Dr Sanjay Udhani says:

    all 28 Wonderful videos.., great help for exams… thanks a million to uploaders

  2. Dr Aung Khin Thein says:

    Very nice! It is really invaluable for a candidate.It would be better if you could kindly upload more video especially in communication and history stations.
    Thank you very much.

  3. ABUL HAQUE says:

    Need more video stations.history taking and presentation and communications viseo

  4. hasanul says:

    thanks.we need more videos.

  5. dr deepti says:

    Please upload more videos for communication and history stations. …will be very grateful. ..


  6. sayed says:

    thank you for your support ( something which was really needed & MISSED )

  7. Sean says:

    Hi guys. Great website!

    Most of the videos might be better placed elsewhere on the site, as they don’t really simulate the video station particularly well – the videos in the exam certainly don’t have a commentary pointing out the answers!

    First video is an excellent exam of exam-style video question – MCQ-style question, video describes the sign but doesn’t give the answer away.

    Thank you for this. Apologies for (hopefully constructive) criticism…

  8. Dr Khine war war tun says:

    Thanks .these vedios are very valuable for us . Could u please upload more vedios

  9. mary says:

    This site has helped me a lot to pass the examination .
    My sincere thanks to those who have put up thier effort to build this site.


    Kindly post more videos on history taking/ communication scenarios/ system examination in special need children and more videos on clinical signs and maneuvers/different scars etc.

  11. dr mi awan says:

    very useful vidio
    plz add more vidios

  12. mohamed hosam says:

    nice videos and nice website , thanks a lot

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Video Station
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