Musculoskeletal / Other Videos

A selection of videos that may be seen in the Musculoskeletal / Other station of the MRCPCH Clinical Exam.

The exam can contain a number of “Other” stations, that don’t naturally fit into one of the other categories. We have tried to summarise a number of them for you, and hope to add more over the coming months.


Background to Videos

Other 1
Demonstration of how to approach an eye examination. False eye.

Other 2
Boy with sickle cell disease who has a limp and intoeing caused by right hip avascular necrosis. Differential of a non painful limp and brief revision of the management of sickle cell disease.

Other 3
Up to 3:55mins – Examination demonstrating features of hypermobility syndrome and a discussion of the differential.
From 3.55mins – Examination demonstrating features of hypermobility syndrome. pGALS website address and Beighton Score.

Other 4
Video showing axillary freckling and café au lait macules. Discussion of neurofibromatosis and slid on tuberous sclerosis.

Other 5
Video showing features of Noonans in a child and his mother. How to approach an examination in the ‘other’ station.

4 comments on “Musculoskeletal / Other Videos
  1. maha says:

    thank you so much

  2. yasser says:

    First of all thanks a lot
    The English speaking is sometimes is not clear.
    I feel some times it is not real exam situation.

  3. Lobna El-Houshy says:

    Would you please comment on the abnormal neurological findings in video 7 , it is very interesting and it would be very helpful to know how to present this case including interpretation with the other physical findings. Please also the same for eye examination in video 1. Thanks a lot .

  4. Tahera says:

    Please narrate the positive finding of video 7 specially about the gait.Thannks

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