Suggested Books
There are a huge number of books written for MRCPCH. We have highlighted a selection below that the writing team has used during their own exams, and found to be useful.
A very readable book, and well written. This book covers a huge amount of material in an easily accessible format. Good coverage of common conditions, exam technique (both for MRCPCH Part 2 and the Clinical exam), and ethics. Recommended to start off your revision, and useful throughout preparation for the exam. |

A useful book for practical revision – lots of examples of common scenarios and cases to work through with a revision partner, along with plenty of supplementary information. |

Lots of good practice scenarios for the exam, along with useful help in presenting effectively after the examination. Lots of good pictures and easy to read. |

One of the few books available that explores paediatric cases using a “forwards medicine” approach: starting from the presenting symptoms (rather than the diagnosis). Very useful for preparing for the clinical stations and well recommended. |

A very detailed book about paediatric examination technique, with probably far too much information for the MRCPCH clinical examination. However, while preparing your examination technique and knowledge for specific conditions and situations that are common in the exam, this book is invaluable. The book offers examination routines for each condition with specific positive and negative findings to identify for each. Expensive, so may be worth looking out for this first in your local library. |
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