Demonstrations of abdominal exams under MRCPCH exam conditions, including liver transplant, incisional hernia, and splenomegaly.
Background to Videos
Abdominal 1
Demonstration of an abdominal examination in a 16 year old with a liver transplant and incisional hernia.
Abdominal 2
7 year old with splenomegaly secondary to sickle cell disease. Discussion around differential of splenomegaly and sickle cell disease after the examination
thank you for good educational materials
pls can you make it like real exam with examiner and discussion
and pls could we supply us with communication scenarios that come in UK center
thank you
Kindly keep me updating
Hello I am sitting exam this October- your website is brilliant.
what is the condition of the child in abdominal 3?
many thanks
Thank you! But… Persistence is what makes success. This is an excellent site, but it is still as it is since it was created.
I would be more than happy to help.
What is the diagnosis in the third video? Thank you!
First of all, Thanks so much
The third, forth and 5th videos no summary or interpretation, why
What is the tube in abdominal 3? Are gastrostomy tubes that long?
what was the tube on the abdominal 3 video? feeding jejunostomy/peritoneal dialysis catheter?
Hello, what is the tube in the third case? Thanhs.
I think it’s a peritoneal dialysis catheter. The tubing looks too thin to be a feeding tube and also I think that a feeding gastrostomy/jejunostomy would not be that long.
In the video on sickle cell anemia, while palpating abdomen the legs should be flexed…..isn’t it? Correct me if i am wrong..
What has happened to my filming that was done? It’s not posted yet. PLMK
Hi Alan, we are working hard to get all the videos onto the site – we hope to have more uploaded by next month. Thanks!